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Try And Measure Aptitude And Natural Abilities

Try And Measure Aptitude And Natural Abilities

What is Tamanna

Tamanna is an Aptitude Test for Senior School Students to enable stakeholders know the aptitude of students of classes IX and X. This test covers seven areas: Language Aptitude (LA), Abstract Reasoning (AR), Verbal Reasoning (VR), Mechanical Reasoning (MR), Numerical Aptitude (NA), Spatial Aptitude (SA), and Perceptual Aptitude (PA).

Tamanna Printable PDF

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Tamanna Scoring and Interpretation

The Scoring Key is to be used to score the students' responses which has correct answer for each item in all the sub-tests. The number of correct answers in a sub-test is a student's score on that sub-test. Correct responses for all the sub-tests will be counted separately. In this process, the score on all the seven sub-tests for a student will be obtained.

The total score obtained on each sub-test will become meaningful when converted to a standard score, which is called the "Sten Score". These are in the range of 1 to 10 and are given as Norms Tables for class IX students and for class X students. To convert the score obtained on a particular sub-test into Sten score, consult the relevant Norms table.

Now identify those aptitudes in which the student has scored high. High aptitude in a sub-test may be used to facilitate exploring of courses and occupations related to that particular aptitude.

Aptitude test scores obtained are suggestive and should not be used as the only deciding factor for choosing subjects etc. by students.

A cluster of aptitudes are required to perform effectively in a course of study or in an occupation. Therefore, the choice of a course of study or an occupation should not be based on performance in one single aptitude only.

PsyPack can automatically score the Tamanna assessment and prepare corresponding tables and graphs.

Tamanna sample result

Sample Report of Tamanna



What does Tamanna measure

The purpose of the evaluation is to help students to:

  • understand and make subject choices in relation to the identified special abilities,
  • explore career pathways related specifically to areas in which they have high aptitudes,
  • reaffirm their aptitude and explore if they want to continue with their chosen course of study or seek alternatives, and
  • relook at their occupational aspirations/goals in line with their specific aptitude and review their efforts to achieve desired academic and occupational goals.

The information about a student’s strengths and limitations would also help parents, teachers and the school administrators to extend support to the student while making such decisions.



Type of outcome tool

Positive psychology

Assessment modes


Age and eligibility

Senior School Students

Estimated time

70-85 minutes


General Considerations

  • While introducing the test, tell students about its importance so that they are motivated to do their best. Emphasize that to know their strengths; students have to attempt as many questions as possible within the time limit. However, there is no pass or fail in this test.
  • Each sub-test is of 10 minutes duration; so the total time for taking all the seven sub-tests is about 70 minutes. Care needs to be taken to adhere to the time duration mentioned on a specific sub-test. Specific instructions for each sub-test is provided separately.
  • Total time for administration includes — sharing the test link, reading instructions, students attempting practice items and time taken to attempt all seven sub-tests. This entire process would take one and a half hours approximately.
  • Inform students that for each item only one correct response has to be marked.


  • Prepare well in advance for administration of the test by getting familiar with names of the subtests, test materials and duration of each sub-test.
  • Schedule administration of the test when students are likely to be fresh and alert. Ensure that the room is well lighted, ventilated, has minimum distractions and interruptions, and seating arrangements are comfortable.
  • Make appropriate seating arrangements to minimum scope of copying.

Instructions for Administering the Aptitude Test

  • Share the test link with the students and instruct them to enter their demographic details in the designated fields online.
  • For any calculations /rough work, they may use separate sheet.
  • Read the instructions given on booklet loudly, clearly and slowly. Ask the students to read the same instructions given in the test link silently along with you. For each sub- test say, As I read the instructions loudly, you also read them silently to yourselves.
  • After reading the example, pause for some time to allow the students to think about it. Let them attempt the practice item(s) to become familiar with the nature of items of the sub-test.
  • After giving the instructions, ask the students,

Is there any doubt or question before you begin?

  • Clear any question or doubt. Allow them to read the instructions again. DO NOT give any new example.
  • After ensuring that the students have understood the instructions clearly, ask them to start attempting the sub-test by saying in a loud and firm voice, START.
  • As soon as the students begin, start recording the time. When the time is up, announce in a firm and loud voice, STOP
  • Ensure that the students do not start the next test until they are told to do so.
  • To ensure continued interest of the students and to avoid fatigue, monotony and boredom, a short break of 10-15 minutes can be given after the first four sub-tests have been completed.
  • When all the sub-tests are complete, ask all students to submit the test.

Many students may not score high on any of the seven sub-tests. This does not mean that they lack the ability to pursue further education or training in courses to choose a career. Such students need assistance/opportunities to understand themselves through self-exploration and encouraging participation in various school activities of their interest, in addition to subjects of study. Accordingly, s/he needs assistance in knowing future courses and occupations to make the best suitable career choices. To help such students, educational and career planning sessions may be organised and they may also be referred to school counsellor for career counselling.

Attribution and References

Under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi have developed Tamanna.